Getting thru the term.... fuck this shit mannnnnnnn. Nothing to live for but trans bathhouse night next month.


Call me Keith. I'm a graphic design student + landscaper + aspiring carenter/ construction worker who lives between Toronto and the outskirts of Ottawa.

I like hardcore, d-beat, grind, smooth jazz, hyperpop and whatever. Social media is terrible for my mental health but I think there is still a lot of value in being online and meeting other people here. I'm nearly 20 - big boy.

I am primarily here becuase I want to do CREATIVE COLABS with others. If you are a writer or band or somthing, I would love to do a design for your writing or album or somthing just to say I did it. Do hit me up at one of my contact points. If yer an artist or designer I would also love to network.

gmail/ hangouts/ chat:

discord: keithsweet#4408

bandcamp: AvgKdSd.FM

Current Projects

I am looking to create a quilt from a selection of fat qharters I picked from my late grandmother's sewing collection to honor her memory. // I am doing a lot of school work // I am designing a new website // I am trying to find a volonteer or solidarity organizaiton to work with this summer. // Learning about how guns and ranges work // Doing a lot of reeaserch into indigenous pops and land claim + history in Toronto for personal understanding // Building a compound in the sims // recovering from the evil cold that is going around // scolding myself into wearing mask indoors again // trying to find a boyfriend for my weird needs (is counterculture, low maintence, my age)// Filing taxes // maintaining my LISTS! // Trying to build a friend and crit network for amateur multimedia artisist and designers in Toronto // Graduate my stupid fucking program // earn enough money to not go into debt and then maybe start making enough to get a car so I can live cheap further out from the city than I alraedy do // build a proffesional potfolio website and get an internship so I can graduate my stupid fucking program // making friends // trying to lift weights again // trying to make time to see hardcore again bc i miss my boys // debating wether I shoudl crew cut my hair again, leave it as the mess it is or comprimise and do skullet // still need to introduce myself to the neighbors, being shy about it and I also keep getting sick when Im not shy abour it.



Active Pages

Pages in Progress

UPDATE: I got a muchhhh better website up in the pipes.. just working out the actual code rn! See where Im at with my testing page here